Services for Australian employers

Find out how Australian Shores can help you develop your business with the help of skilled migrant staff.

How can Australian Shores help with your staff needs?

Australian Shores offer a range of services related to migrant workers from immigration advice to visa applications, employer nomination or sponsorship. We also have a wide network that allows us to source talents across the globe, to meet the needs of your business.

What are your options to hire migrant workers?

Some migrants currently in Australia may have open work rights such as young migrants on a Working Holiday Visa. Alternatively, Australian employers who cannot find suitable candidates from within Australia can sponsor foreign workers for several types of visas, including:

  1. Skills in Demand Visa (SID) (subclass 482): This visa allows employers to sponsor skilled workers to fill positions that cannot be filled by Australian workers. It has three streams: the short-term stream, the medium-term stream, and the labour agreement stream.
  2. Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186): This visa allows employers to sponsor skilled workers for permanent residency in Australia. It has three streams: the direct entry stream, the temporary residence transition stream, and the labour agreement stream.
  3. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa (subclass 187): This visa is similar to the Employer Nomination Scheme visa but is designed for regional employers who have difficulty filling skilled positions. This visa has been phased out and few applicants remain eligible under legacy policy.
  4. Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA): DAMAs provide a flexible, tailored migration pathway to help regional employers sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers in response to labor shortages.

Become a sponsor

Find out how to become a sponsor so you can recruit migrant workers.

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Find staff

Australian Shores' global reach can help you source the talent you need for your business.

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Nominate staff

We provide extensive support once you've find the right talent, and advise on suitable visa pathways.

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Contact our friendly team today to discuss your sponsorhip or visa requirements.